Ubuntu 8.04.1 Review

The top Linux distribution UBUNTU has just released its latest desktop edition Ubuntu 8.10 late October of this year. However, before we begin discussing this newest addition of Ubuntu editions, let's take a short review on how my Ubuntu 8.04.1 performed on my laptop.

First of all, I have installed Ubuntu 8.04.1 on an ACER Aspire4520 with an AMD Turion x2 (1.9GHz) processor, 2GB of RAM, and an Nvidia nforce 630M chipset. Before installing Ubuntu 8.04.1, I tried the CD as a Live User so as to test the initial compatibility of 8.04.1 to my laptop. After the CD has loaded, I observed that my screen resolution wasn't maximized (something like 800 x 600) and that my screen seemed so dim (minimum brightness). I then manually adjusted the screen brightness then there was enough light. Also, when I tried connecting to the internet wirelessly, I found out that the built-in Atheros Wifi wasn't recognized at that point.

After exploring the Live CD, I fully installed Ubuntu 8.04.1 to see if there are improvements to my initial observations, and fortunately there were. My screen resolution was now adjusted to 1024 x 800 after I configured the restricted NVIDIA settings, but the screen brightness still needed to be adjusted manually (it really annoys me). And the wifi issue? It took me almost a half day just to find the right configuration in web (acknowledgments goes to those blogs that posted about that same problem).

There. Ubuntu 8.04.1 was successfully installed on my laptop. Aside from those problems mentioned above, this edition of Ubuntu ran pretty well.

Appearance: 7/10
Speed: 8/10
Windows compatibilty: 5/10
Virus security: 9/10

Overall: 7.25


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