LCD vs CRT: The Monitor Match

LCD or Liquid Crystal Display monitors have been very popular these days. Although the Cathode Ray Tube or CRT monitors are still in use in almost every computer cafe in town, it is not too long before LCD monitors eventually replace these traditional display systems. But before that happens, I think it would be proper for us to know what makes LCD monitors better than their CRT counterparts. Let's make it one point at a time.


This is the most obvious difference between the two monitors. CRT monitors, from the name itself, still use the older technology of cathode rays tubes. This is similar the traditional TV's and this is also the reason why CRT's are bulky. LCD's in the other hand utilizes miniature transistors, one of the more sophisticated inventions of our time. This is why LCD's are relatively slimmer and more space saving.

Energy Efficiency

LCD monitors produce less heat as compared to CRT's. The tube on CRT's generate much of the heat of the monitor, thus is not as energy efficient as the LCD. This makes LCD more power and energy saver, making it more useful in the future settings.


This is the only department where the CRT monitor has an advantage over the LCD. LCD monitors cost more than twice the price of CRT's. But don't worry LCD fans, LCD monitors are less energy consumers, so energy bills will be lesser if you have LCD's.

My conclusion: LCD monitors are the monitors of the near future. The only thing that impedes the fast success of LCD's is its cost. If we find ways to produce LCD monitors in cheaper ways, then CRT's might be gone for good sooner than we expect.


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